Buy pbn backlinks for better findability of your website. That ad immediately catches your interest. Yet you've seen statements like this pass by before and have been disappointed with the final result more than once. You are certainly not the only one. After all, as an entrepreneur, it is only natural that you want to increase the visibility of your site. After all, your target audience is online. If your site is subsequently not visible, you could miss out on a lot of potential customers unnecessarily. However, opinions on the best search engine optimisation approach are divided. However, one thing is certain: link building plays an important role these days and this important role keeps growing.

Link building involves collecting multiple links pointing to your website. Preferably links that come from quality websites. The effect is then all the greater. Not only for your ranking within Google, but also for the extra visitors such a link brings you. Collecting such links is just not easy.

There are lots of different methods devised by which you can get around Google's rules a bit and get more links. There are a lot of ways to get backlinks to your website. Buying PBN backlinks is one of them. But what exactly is PBN link building and what is it good for? More importantly, can it also have advantages or disadvantages for my position within the Google ranking?

In this blog, we will take you through the bit about link building with PBNs as well as answer the question. Buy PBN backlinks: good idea or not?

What is a PBN link?

But what exactly is a PBN and a PBN link? Most likely, you've seen the term come up before. Especially when you are looking for marketers, SEO or link building. Online, you regularly come across this term in combination with good ad texts that guarantee to get you a higher position within Google. Texts along the lines of: buy PBN backlinks today and expect miracles! But can you really expect miracles? To understand that, it is first important to know exactly what PBN is.

PBN stands for Private Blog Network. So this refers to a network of blogs, often self-created and offered to outsiders, which are used to collect links to a specific website. So often the website owner pays x amount to have a number of links placed on this network. This way, the website gets a boost within the Google ranking, provided it is done in the right way and Google does not detect it further.

One thing is certain: using PBN backlinks definitely goes against Google's rules. After all, why would Google want you to be able to rank higher for a small fee or even for free when they can make much more money when you advertise through Google AdWords?

However, when the use of PBN backlinks is done in the right way, it will not catch the eye of Google so quickly. In that case, it is actually a quick way to gain a higher position within Google.

Therefore, many link building providers also play in Google's big grey area. Now tell yourself honestly; would you set up a PBN network for little money and sell those backlinks for the maximum? Catch maximum profit on your backlinks, that is! Sounds very tempting to do, of course, and it's easy money-making, which of course everyone wants.

How is a PBN constructed?

But how exactly is a PBN built? It should be clear that a PBN can only be successful if it is a quality website. It makes little sense to have a whole bunch of poorly findable websites to your name. When websites with poor findability and low quality link to another web page, this will have little or no impact on the findability of the page.

To offer real PBN backlinks, it is important to link only from quality domains. But how does one person build a huge number of quality domains? That's simple. In fact, they do this through a simple and clever trick and can be done through 2 ways.

Way 1: 

Bear in mind that a lot of domains will be released every day. Often from companies that have achieved their goals. For example, some organisations set up a whole new domain for a short-term charity. Then they try to gain enough publicity.

For example, by placing news items in newspapers or writing a piece on all kinds of qualitative relevant websites. This not only generates a lot of publicity, but can also ensure a good quality score within Google (not to be confused with quality score from Google Ads). A domain with a high ranking, in other words. However, these organisations will let go of this domain when the goal is achieved. It is up to companies or individuals with a PBN to track down these quality domains and use them to give other sites more value.

Way 2: 

Register x number of domains yourself, equip them with a WordPress theme and fill them with a number of blogs. All these domains you link with and to each other. So you end up with a network of 100 domains all linking to each other which can be done easily and cheaply. After a while, you can sell all these websites again to externals.

The value of a domain can be determined in several ways. There are a number of suitable programmes for this. Think for instance of Ahrefs, SEMrush or MOZ. Everyone has their own preference, but Ahrefs is the furthest along in terms of link building.

Through these tools, you can see exactly how a domain scores in the eyes of Google and whether it is worth including in the network. As a website owner, you can then benefit from this in turn. Buy PBN backlinks and you can be sure that your findability will take another leap forward, but for how long? No one knows.

What we do know is that Google places huge value on quality of content, technique, but also certainly authority. We can debate whether a PBN is right to use for link building, but we all agree that a PBN backlink does not deliver quality the way Google wants. Sooner or later, Google will make an update that will address this type of backlink. Matter of time...

The benefits of PBN backlinks

Clearly, using PBN backlinks actually goes against Google's rules. Google never figured out that people can buy links. Also to keep the quality of search results high.

When one is easily able to buy in links, it can also lead to much lower-quality websites ranking higher in search results. Fortunately, not only the amount of links are used to determine Google ranking. Although this is one factor Google does look at. If there are two domains that have proportionally similar link building quality then Google will look at the number. The more backlinks, aka recommendation in Google's eyes, the more appreciation from Google. But how exactly does this work?

In link building, you try to collect as many links to your page as possible. Each link can actually be considered a kind of vote to your website. The more links point to your website, or specific web page within the website, the more qualitative it is considered by Google.

However, there is an important caveat to this. It is not only the quantity of links that matters, but mainly their quality. If you have got tons of links from lesser-known websites, you will not gain much. This is in contrast to links from high-quality websites, for instance.

If you manage to secure such a link, it will do a huge amount of good for your position within Google. Moreover, these sources also have a lot of influence on their readers. When they recommend a particular site, visitors are more likely to click on it and so you will see your visitor numbers steadily increase.

Buy pbn backlinks and you will also enjoy these benefits. After all, the links come from a domain with a high quality score. As a result, the link will also earn you a lot. But then, using PBN backlinks must be done in the right way. Here, however, people still sometimes leave a few gaps. When using PBN backlinks, it is especially important to have a natural link profile. As a result, "circumventing the rules" is less noticeable and will actually never lead to a so-called Google Penalty.

How do you build a natural link profile?

If we are all very honest, few companies will be able to admit that they have never bought a link. While real earned links are obviously highly valued by writing valuable content, this is a very time-consuming task. Moreover, this also still does not mean you will get noticed by quality sites.

Sometimes you have to go the extra mile to make your content clear. For instance, by contacting the site in question. And secretly, very often a trade-off is agreed. Sometimes by including the link of another website in your content, but also very often in exchange for money. Something not actually allowed by Google originally, but thus done en masse. Fortunately, when this is done in the right way (and with a link building specialist!), there is a very good chance that it does not have to mean anything negative.

The most important thing is to build a natural link profile. That way, any missteps will not be noticed by Google and you will only experience the positive consequences of your commitment to better link building for your business. But how do you build a natural link profile? We list four important tips for you:

  1. Provide links from different domains. Buy pbn backlinks at the same domains and you are sure to get noticed. Moreover, this also does you absolutely nothing to improve your ranking within Google. Google sees each domain as one vote. So it is not about the amount of links placed from one domain, but rather the links coming from various domains. Compare it to word of mouth in the 'real world'. If your colleague tells you that they sell very good beds at that one shop, you take this in and possibly make use of it when choosing between different bed specialty shops. However, when the colleague starts talking about this every time he sees you, it makes less and less of an impression. However, if you hear this information from different people's mouths, it will have more and more effect. Because the more people give the same information, the more reliable this information must be. The more 'votes' for that one shop, the more likely it is to be the deciding factor in making a choice after all. This also applies in the digital world with link building.
  2. Check the ratio of dofollow to nofollow links. Ideally, you should see as many dofollow links to your website as possible. We need to explain this. With dofollow links, a website adds value to the link to the other website. This means that the link actually means something to your website and adds value to your ranking within Google.With nofollow, this is not the case. Nofollow is usually used in texts where a source is shown in the form of a link, but it should not otherwise be used as a 'marketing tool'. So in theory, you could say that it is better to avoid a nofollow link. After all, this is of no use to you. But nothing could be further from the truth. Various studies show that it is actually important to have several types of links pointing to your website. Of course you want to collect more dofollow links than nofollow, but in any case it is important to have a good ratio. For example, think of around 80 per cent dofollow and 20 per cent nofollow. The ratio should always remain pretty much the same. So not suddenly much more dofollow than nofollow or vice versa. As long as the amount of links will be equal, it's good. Then the ratio matters very little. Fortunately, you can easily monitor the ratio between the two yourself using some tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush or Majestic.
  3. The right ratio of high or low authority links. As we mentioned earlier, it's not actually about the quantity of links, but in particular their quality. However, this does not mean that only links coming from high authority websites should point to your website. On the contrary. This could even be detrimental to your site. Because when only websites with a high authority link to your website, this can be a so-called red flag for Google. Because it is virtually impossible that only these websites link to your page. Unless you have bought these links. That is why it is important that there are also website links with a lower authority. This makes the link profile look much more natural and will be less questionable for Google.
  4. Using different anchor texts. Anchor texts are the words used to represent a link that has a URL behind it. Usually to also make it clear to the user what is being linked to. The anchor text can also affect your findability. It can, for instance, contain the name of your company or be an exact match to the website. This way, you not only ensure that the link is easier to understand for the reader, but you also create brand awareness. Through certain tools, you can find out which anchor texts are the best choice for your SEO. This should also take diversity into account. The right proportions are worth their weight in gold, so do not only choose an exact or partial match anchor text, but also a general anchor text, a naked URL or simply a branded anchor. That way, you ensure a natural flow in search results.
  5. Provide relevant website. Perhaps one of the most important points, because you can apply all of the above, but if your own website is in the woodworking business and you get a link from a Barbie doll shop it won't really get you anywhere. Quality also has to do with relevance.Nothing is more annoying than when you are looking for something, you read an article that links to another website and you end up on a website that has nothing to do with your search. Right! Google thinks exactly the same way. Google uses taxonomies or categories for this, very simply explained, this is basically the list Google uses to categorise products in a shopping feed, scale a website into a particular category and so on. Bottomline; make sure the referring website is relevant to your own.

Buy pbn backlinks: good idea or not?

If we were to ask every company how their link-building profile is put together, most would honestly admit to having sometimes paid for links or otherwise collected links. It is something that is also secretly tolerated to some extent. Provided, of course, it is not done to extreme. The idea is not to have thousands of links to your page within a few days. But it is clear that pbn backlinks are indeed bought on a regular basis. What does this mean for you? Is it a good idea to buy backlinks or not?

It is good to understand that Google actually tries to avoid PBN backlinks as much as possible. Therefore, if not used in the right way, it can have adverse effects on the findability of your site. The most important thing is to generate relevance, quality and a natural backlink profile.

This may well include one or dozens of bought links, as long as the proportions remain correct and it is not obvious to Google that many authoritarian links are illegally obtained.

Buying PBN backlinks can benefit your website's findability. When you get a link from a very high-quality domain, this can lead to your visitor numbers skyrocketing within days to weeks. And the more visitors, the more likely it is that more action will be taken on your website, which in turn results in higher sales.

What do we recommend... 

There are strategies that use PBN backlinks that we think can add value. For example, if your budget is not enough to buy in real quality backlinks, you can always look at PBN backlinks. We are not a fan of them, but understand making that choice initially due to budgets. Eventually, as your website starts to get bigger, you will really have to make the switch from cheap PBN backlinks to quality backlinks.

A lot of factors depend on it, but initially we say; no, don't do this. PBN backlinks don't deliver the quality you want and in the longer term it's throwing money in the bin and waiting for an update from Google that is going to penalise all PBN networks.

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Thijs van den Haak.
Online marketing consultant

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2. Appointment

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3. Setting strategy

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4. Proposal

You will receive a customised proposal, after agreement we start immediately to achieve online results together. We share a schedule for the first few months.

5. The right expertise

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6. Live campaigns

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7. Monthly consultations

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